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(ns materiala.markdown-test
  (:require [materiala.markdown :as sut]
            [clojure.test :as t :refer (deftest is are)]))


(deftest intent
  (are [x s level] (= x (sut/indent s level))
    "a" "a" 0
    " a" "a" 1
    "  a" "a" 2
    "  a\n  b" "a\nb" 2))


(deftest code-block
  (are [s code indent] (= s (sut/code-block code indent))
    "```clojure\nx\n```" 'x 0
    "    ```clojure\n    x\n    ```" 'x 4))


(deftest function-forms
  (are [calling-forms function-symbol fn-tail]
      (= calling-forms (apply sut/function-forms function-symbol fn-tail))
    '[(f x y) (f x)] 'f '[([x y] 3) ([x] 3)]
    '[(f x) (f x y)] 'f '[([x] 3) ([x y] 3)]
    '[(f x) (f x & args)] 'f '[([x] 3) ([x & args] 3)]))


(deftest raw->forms
  (are [code-string result] (= result (sut/raw->forms code-string))
    "(def hello 3)"
    '{:forms (def hello 3) :verb def :var hello}
    "(defn hello [x] 3)"
    '{:forms (defn hello [x] 3) :verb defn :var hello :valid-call [(hello x)]}
    "(defn hello ([x] 3) ([x y] 3))"
    '{:forms (defn hello ([x] 3) ([x y] 3)) :verb defn :var hello
      :valid-call [(hello x) (hello x y)]}
    "(defmethod hello 3 [{:keys [a b]}] 3)"
    '{:forms (defmethod hello 3 [{:keys [a b]}] 3) :verb defmethod :var hello
      :valid-call [(hello {:keys [a b]})] :method-value 3}
    "(defn hello {:pre (constantly true)} ([m] 3))"
    '{:forms (defn hello {:pre (constantly true)} ([m] 3)), :verb defn, :var hello, :valid-call [(hello m)]}
(fn [m] 3))"
    '{:forms (reg-sub :hello (fn [m] 3)), :verb reg-sub, :var :hello}))

add test with malformed code.