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Simple markdown conversion with some cool features, such as math rendering $$ e^{i\pi} = -1 $$

(ns materiala.core
  "Simple markdown conversion with some cool features, such as math rendering
  $$ e^{i\\pi} = -1 $$"
  (:require [ :as io]
            [ :refer (parse-opts)]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [marginalia.core :as mc]


(def ^{:dynamic true} *docs* "./doc")


(def cli-opts
  [["-d" "--dir DIR" "Directory into which the documentation will be written" :default "./doc"]
   ["-f" "--file FILE" "File into which the documentation will be written"]
   ["-n" "--name NAME" "Project name - if not given will be taken from project.clj"]
   ["-v" "--version VERSION" "Project version - if not given will be taken from project.clj"]
   ["-D" "--desc DESC" "Project description - if not given will be taken from project.clj"]
   ["-a" "--deps DEPS" "Project dependencies in the form <group1>:<artifact1>:<version1>;<group2>...
                                 If not given will be taken from project.clj"]
   ["-m" "--multi" "Generate each namespace documentation as a separate file"  :default true]
   ["-l" "--leiningen" "Generate the documentation for a Leiningen project file."]
   ["-e" "--exclude EXCLUDE"
    "Exclude source file(s) from the document generation process <file1>;<file2>...
                                 If not given will be taken from project.clj"]
   ["-h" "--help" "Show this help"]])


Default generation: given a collection of filepaths in a project, find the .clj files at these paths and, if Clojure source files are found:

  1. Print out a message to std out letting a user know which files are to be processed;
  2. Create the docs directory inside the project folder if it doesn't already exist;
  3. Call the uberdoc! function to generate the output file at its default location, using the found source files and a project file expected to be in its default location.

If no source files are found, complain with a usage message.

(run-materiala & args)
(defn run-materiala
  [& args]
  (let [user-parsed-options (parse-opts args cli-opts)
        {:keys [dir file name version desc deps multi
                leiningen exclude help]} (:options user-parsed-options)
        files (:arguments user-parsed-options)
        sources (distinct (mc/format-sources (seq files)))
        sources (if leiningen (cons leiningen sources) sources)]
    (when help
      (println (:summary user-parsed-options)))
    (if (and sources (not help))
      (binding [*docs* (str/trim dir)]
        (let [project-clj (when (.exists (io/file "project.clj"))
              choose #(or %1 %2)
              marg-opts (merge-with choose
                                    {:exclude (when exclude (.split exclude ";"))
                                     :leiningen leiningen}
                                    (:marginalia project-clj))
              opts (merge-with choose
                               {:name name
                                :version version
                                :description desc
                                :dependencies (mc/split-deps deps)
                                :multi multi
                                :marginalia marg-opts}
              sources (->> sources
                           (filter #(not (mc/source-excluded? % opts)))
                           (into []))]
          (println "Generating Marginalia documentation for the following source files:")
          (doseq [s sources]
            (println "  " s))
          (mc/ensure-directory! *docs*)
          (if multi
            (materiala.markdown/multidoc! *docs* sources opts)
            (materiala.markdown/uberdoc!  (str *docs* "/" file) sources opts))
          (println "Done generating your documentation in" *docs*)
          (println "")))
      (when-not help
        (println "Wrong number of arguments passed to Marginalia.")
        (println (:summary user-parsed-options))))))


(-main & args)
(defn -main [& args]
  (apply run-materiala args))