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The idea of the rendering is to create the markdown string from the raw forms and dispatching on the verb of the form (after keywordization [is a real name?])

(defn indent
  "Indent string portion"
  [s indent-level]
  (let [indent-space (str/join "" (repeat indent-level " "))]
    (str/join "\n" (map #(str indent-space %) (str/split s #"\n")))))

(defn code-block
  "Create code block from given string `s`"
  ([s] (str "```clojure\n" s "\n" "```\n\n")))

(defmethod render-code-form :defmethod
  [{:keys [docstring raw forms valid-call method-value verb] :as m}]
  (str (str/join (repeat 3 "#")) " " (second forms) " " method-value "\n"
       (when docstring (str docstring "\n\n"))
       (when valid-call
         (-> (str/join "\n" (map str valid-call))
             (str/replace #"," "")
       "??? info \"(" verb ")\"\n"
       (indent (code-block raw) 4)

(defmethod render-code-form :comment
  [{:keys [raw] :as m}]
  (str "## Rich Comment \n\n"
       (code-block raw) "\n\n"))

;; yes, string smashing is fun as long as we don't have to parse it xD
;; materiala.markdown provides helpers to reduce the code smashing.

The common top level pattern in code file is the (def-verb-symbol var-name & body), which is default case render this case. However, the number of top level forms is infinite thanks the power of macros (e.g. re-frame's reg-event-fx). For these case, you can:

  1. Make a pull request so that I include them in the codebase, if the top level form is common in Clojure (like comment).
  2. Extend the multimethod materiala.markdown/render-code-form with your top level form and import them in your main file.


For a raw form (defn hello [x] 3), the render-code-form multimethod gets the following map as input

{:forms (defn hello [x] 3) :verb defn :var hello
 :raw "(defn hello [x] 3)"}

(Note to self: nice place to make specs). Hence an example of extension is

;; in user/doc/extension.clj

(ns user.doc.extension
   [materiala.markdown :as mm :refer (render-code-form code-block)]))

;; re-frame reg-event-fx follow this pattern

;; (reg-event-fx
;;  ::initialize
;;  event-fx-fn)

;; (reg-event-fx
;;  ::initialize
;;  (fn [cofx [_ & args]]))

(defmethod render-code-form ::register
  [{:keys [raw forms]}]
  (str "## Event: "
       (second forms)
       (if (symbol? (nth forms 2))
         (str "Dispatch-fn: " (nth forms 2))
         ;; here we could have a better rendering by leveraing the code as data
         ;; by showing how it the event can be called
         (code-block raw 0))

;; no shortcut here, have to do it
(defmethod render-code-form :reg-sub
  (render-code-form (assoc m :verb ::register)))

(defmethod render-code-form :reg-event-fx
  (render-code-form (assoc m :verb ::register)))

;; in user/doc/ns.clj

(ns user.doc.ns

(defn -main [& args]
  (apply materiala.core/main args))

Then you can just call it (make sure materiala is on your classpath)

clojure -m user.doc.ns src


The default symbol or :default key are reserved because on how multimethod works.