- Learn with (especially Clojure). Complete some harder problems in functional programming.
- Exercise
TODO Read introduction to elisp¶
TODO Diff, ediff¶
to select which version is correct. Appendx
for saving.- In magit, use
for diffing with ediff.
magit and git, gitimmersion¶
- [x] Revert file in magit
- [ ] Read introduction
Master/read manual org-mode¶
- org-mode easy template (e.g.
) allows to easily include org syntax.C-c C-,
to open the shortcut window. C-c C-q
(insert tags),C-c /
(filter org-file by).
Rewrite emacs.d through org-mode and usepackage.¶
It would be good to get a unified version of my .emacs.d with org files and usepackage.
Dired mode¶
- Find files with grep
- Still have to learn the new shortcuts. Most important are
,% m
and =% g0. - Using
, empower the user to query and replace in files. Using* u
to select all non-saved buffer to close them all.
Perfect use of keyboard [2/2]¶
- [x] The comma should be hit with the middle finger.
- [x] Emacs keybindings should be used using both hands, this has to be set with key-bindings.
- Tip: use the hand palm for reaching the CTRL keys.
- [ ] : balance the space between the hand. Especially the right thumb as most words in english finish with the left hand letters.
Write a script to update my-emacs-config automatically.¶
Best way would be to use git. Used a fork of emacs-live.
DONE Remap C-c C-z to C-c C-y for Swiss Keyboards, for terminal switching.¶
DONE Emmet in Emacs, with HAML filter in the json snippet.¶
HAML is automatic in emacs. However, the key bindings need to be remapped as the usage of `C-j` is too much widespread.
DONE Cppcheck¶
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/
Also uncomment the following
'(flycheck-c/c++-googlelint-executable "/usr/local/bin/"))
in cpp-settings.el
DONE Aspell¶
Set dictionary in French and German.
1 |
Go to char (avy-goto-word-or-subword-1)¶
In prelude "C-c j"
and then char
jumps to a given character in the
Deft ignore file regex¶
Set deft-ignore-file-regexp
[2020-05-06 Mi].
Regex in search¶
For grouping you need to escape the parenthesis.