Scientific method¶
Skeptic guide to the universe
@book{novella2018skeptics, title={The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: How to Know What's Really Real in a World Increasingly Full of Fake}, author={Novella, S. and Novella, B. and Maria, C.S. and Novella, J. and Bernstein, E.}, isbn={9781538760512}, lccn={2018013089}, url={}, year={2018}, publisher={Grand Central Publishing} }
Tronche en biais and
@book{durand2021science, title={La science des balivernes}, author={Durand, T.C.}, isbn={9782379311932}, url={}, year={2021}, publisher={Humensis} }
Bad Science from Ben Goldacre
@book{goldacre2008bad, title={Bad Science}, author={Goldacre, B.}, isbn={9780007283194}, url={}, year={2008}, publisher={HarperCollins Publishers} }