Installing dotnet on ubuntu¶
Avoid using the snap, use the binarie, because the snap has some issue with require sudo rights to run.
Starting a socket server¶
Installing ClojureCLR for the whole system under
dotnet tool install --global Clojure.Main
You can write this file under your bin file (expand ~
to your $HOME
to launch a socket repl on port 7777
~/.dotnet/tools/Clojure.Main -e "(clojure.core.server/start-server {:name (str 'clr-repl) :port 7777 :accept 'clojure.core.server/repl}) @(promise)"
You have to set the CLOJURE_LOAD_PATH
environment variable with the
root path of your dependencies (basically it replace your classpath).
The exact value depends on OS.