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Some notes about opencl for a quick summary.


  • Plateforms: constructor specific implementation of opencl (amd, nvidia, etc).
  • Devices: concrete hardware implementing a platform.
  • Kernel: a function written in opencl.
  • Programs: a set of kernels.
  • Context: a set of devices where kernels can be executed.
  • Queue: kernels/tasks are sent to devices sequentially through a queue.
  • Release: for memory management.

Analogy with a poker game: dealer is the host, poker table is the context, player's card are kernels, deck of cards are programs.

(ns cl
   [uncomplicate.clojurecl.core :as cl]
   [ :as cl-info]
   [uncomplicate.commons.core :refer (release)]))

(map cl-info/name-info (cl/platforms)) ;; get plateforms

(def nvidia-platform (first (cl/platforms)))

(map cl-info/name-info (cl/devices nvidia-platform))

(def my-nvidia-gpu (first (cl/devices nvidia-platform))) ;; set the devices

(def ctx (cl/context [my-nvidia-gpu])) ;; set devices in context

;; 1024 bytes as float are 4 bytes it is 256 array
(def gpu-array (cl/cl-buffer ctx 1024 :read-write)) ;; create a buffer for gpu
(def main-array (float-array (range 256))) ;; (-> (* 256 4) (= 1024))
(take 10 main-array)

(def queue (cl/command-queue ctx my-nvidia-gpu)) ;; create a queue
(cl/enq-write! queue gpu-array main-array) ;; transfer data

(def roundtrip-array (float-array 256))
(cl/enq-read! queue gpu-array roundtrip-array) ;; transfer data back

(take 12 roundtrip-array)

(def kernel-source (slurp "src/")) ;; read the mul10 kernel
(def hello-program (cl/build-program!
                    (cl/program-with-source ctx [kernel-source]))) ;; compile into opencl code
(def mul10 (cl/kernel hello-program "mul10")) ;; extracte the kernel

(def result (float-array 256))

(cl/set-args! mul10 0 gpu-array) ;; set args for kernel
(cl/enq-kernel! queue mul10 (cl/work-size-1d 256)) ;; run the kernel
(cl/enq-read! queue gpu-array result) ;; transfer backx

(take 12 result)
;; clean up
(release gpu-array)
(release hello-program)
(release queue)
(release ctx)

See also (generated)