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Generative Testing


Taking from Applied Clojure

We are looking for invariants – properties that are always true. […] mathematical laws, relationships between inputs and outputs, round-trip or complementing functions, and comparing action effects.

Properties like identity, associativity, commutativity and idempotency are an excellent place to start.

Other general properties:

  • membership is not modified (frequencies of element still are the same), maybe distinct for sets and hash-map.

  • Trusted implementation. Compare the results and calculation on a trusted different implementation (different language, slower/faster version). For stateful components (like database), apply same logical operation on a logical model correct implementation like hash-map or vectors (e.g. create is assoc, delete is dissoc).

  • Avoid to implement again the same algorithms.

  • Commutativity of operations

  • Hard to prove, quick to verify (e.g. path in maze to the exit).

  • Backward properties: generate the output and think which input would have yielded this output (like in finding a key in a hash map: inserting the key first to insure the key is in the collection).

  • Expect failures and create failure.

  • Ask the hard questions.

  • Create the visibility you need (for asserting that a function did what it is supposed to do).

  • What defines success of a service? This leads to property.

  • Hammock time leads (care and randomness).

  • Preconditions are predicates returning if some operations are valid, given the state of object or input of the function. If the preconditions is not met, then it is a noop (no operation).

  • Postcondition are what ought to be true after the function call (usually we check if the result coincide with a predicted model).

How to specify it

Talk about how to specify properties for pure functions.

things that ought to be always true. Optimize for correctness in the assertion, not for performance (test case are usually small). Make sure that generator are also valid.

Asking what is the postcondition? Finding what ought to be true after the function call. If the properties requires to have the function under test, create a generator that insures that the state is consistent (for example, in a hash-map, for testing contains?, you can insert and remove key to test the properties of contains?).

Metamorphic properties
instead of predicting and test the result from an input, predict and test the relationship of result from two almost input. It is the idea of paths for getting to a final state. The relationship could be equality, size comparison. You can also check equivalence on result (as function of the result). You have to change in terms of the space of continuous functions: if input change, how will the change on the image be Δf = f(x+δ) − f(x)? Some write metamorphic relations.

Inductive properties
argument by induction that only the correct function can pass the test (using recursion). Double check the conformity by applying operations that should also keep the result valid.

Model-based properties
similar to trusted implementation by working on a abstraction function with an abstraction operation. The assumption is you can convert your result into the abstraction and applying the same operations on the abstraction (you have an homomorphism).

Model-based properties is one of the most powerful representation. However, the model based properties can look too alike than the implementation or the function under test. If you feel you write too much code on the model based version, switch to metamorphic properties do not require on a model (and they are easier to write with good effectiveness). Invariant properties should be first because they are the most fundamental.


How to specify it?, video (jump until minute 10 for start of content).

Geneartive Testing, Group Theory and Category Theory

The model based properties (as in how to specify it) are the most powerful when you can find an isomorphism between your function or system under test for a certain algebras (or structure, or restricted invariant).

This is powerful because you can then apply your operation on your model space which is probably much simpler and in all time transform the result back into function space. As finding algebraic structure (or group operation) might be too restrictive, we can relax the hypothesis to category theory (as long as we still have a bijective/ismorphic map).

Isomorphism spaces are useful as they equivalent and their representation might used from one space to the other for practical purposes.

For practical concerns, once you find an isomorphism to the function or entity under test, you can usually find many equivalent operations from your system onto your model and can randomly apply these property in any order to insure that your implementation is correct.

Property Based Testing with Proper

  • Side effects can be grouped together at one end of the system, and we can keep the rest of the code as pure as possible.

    • Targeted Properties and Simulated Annealing are cool stuff to learn about, even if you won’t use Property-Based Testing that much. Don’t skim over that chapter in the book.

      Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.

      – Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher (in Small is Beautiful).

See also (generated)